• Yuji Yazawa: The Japanese Abbot of Positive Psychology

    In the medieval Catholic monastery, the highest position was occupied by the Abbot. The Abbot was a most special person, a man who stood midway between the sacred in the secular. He was the bridge from the sacred to the mundane. It was his job to inform the world about the doings of the faithful and on the other hand to inform the faithful about how to bring their teachings into the real world.

    This has been exactly Yuji’s job in Japanese positive psychology. On the one hand he has gathered together the faithful choir, along with the leading intellectual and scientific figures in positive psychology. He has twice assembled the world’s leading scientists and practitioners of positive psychology in Tokyo. On the other hand, he has bundled them together with leading political, corporate, and educational figures from the real world.

    This is the combination that will make PERMA 2025 a reality.
    So it is my privilege to nominate Yuji Yazawa the Abbot of Japanese Positive Psychology.Martin Seligman

  • I have pioneered the study of happiness and well-being for four decades, developing the idea of subjective well-being, as well as its measurement and impact. I was privileged to come to Japan in April, 2019, through an invitation from Yuji Yazawa and his collaborators. I presented in Tokyo with my long-time friend and colleague, Martin Seligman, along with Tal Ben-Shahar, Emily Esfahani Smith, and other notable Japanese experts. With more than 1,000 participants attending the event, I was strongly impressed by the enthusiasm for enhancing well-being among diverse groups in Japan. Yuji is directly in the mainstream of the movement, bringing a cadre of people together and driving it forward. I am excited to watch his efforts grow and would love to contribute to them.Ed Diener

  • I had the pleasure of speaking at one of Yuji's conferences in 2019. It was one of the most wonderful experiences I've had. Yuji created a beautiful community and atmosphere where people were able to come together over a shared mission. The work he's doing is important and inspiring. I'm grateful to have been a small part of it.Emily Esfahani Smith, author of The Power of Meaning.

  • Working with Yuji San has been a wonderful experience and a true privilege. It is rare to find a person who so masterfully and naturally brings together kindness and professionalism, serious work and playfulness. Yuji San is committed to the wellbeing of others, and his commitment is translated into real action that is making a positive difference in our world. Dr. Tal Ben Shahar, author of Even Happier.

  • For me there are so many amazing facets of the jewel Yugi, professionally it is a joy to walk a little time on the path with Yugi, to work with him and his organization and to know his humanity. Here is why, Yugi is present and centered, able to see inward and outward, savvy, he is on a hero’s journey, is giving back to the world and making a difference in people’s lives, in fact he is saving lives, a man of vision, this is the soul of Yugi. May you continue to walk in beauty. Oh did I mention Yugi is so much fun and has a great fashion sense and joy of life? Wishing you all the best.Jusith Delozier, Co-Developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

  • I would like to say a few words about Yuji-san and my work with him and what I see as his best qualities. I have been lucky to travel the world and meet leaders such as His Holiness Pope Francis, President Bill Clinton, and UN Deputy General Michael Moller and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I would put Yuji right in there with these great leaders! Really! He is amazing at bringing good people together for a good cause to make our world a better place. He is kindhearted, fun and smart. He made my trip to Japan both joyful and impactful. And, he is a great family man—and I say that because it shows his character and his heart. It was beautiful to see him with his wife and children at the event where I spoke. Yuji-san includes his family in his work and that says a lot about him as a leader. I recommend Yuji-san as highly as I can—and I hope to work with him again on joyful and impactful ways to bring more unity and peace to our world. Vivienne Harr, Future Secretary of Peace

  • I have witnessed firsthand the important work and remarkable success of Yuji Yazawa—working both personally and under the auspices of Giveness International and Oneness Group Foundation—in enabling countless individuals to throw off the shackles of addiction, embrace the singular hero’s journey that is their life, and deploy their unique talents for the greater good of all. Kudos to him and his colleagues. Robert Walter, Founder of Joseph Campbell Foundation

  • It is my great honor to offer my admiration, respect and support for Yuji. He is small in stature but a giant in spirit, vision and determination. I have had the opportunity to work with Yuji and the team he has assembled one two separate occasions. I personally witnessed the way he compassionately works with his staff and clients. His determination to offer hope and healing to so many addicts and their families is truly inspirational. I am proud to know Yuji and consider him a pioneer in the field of addiction treatment. I am sure because of his vision and leadership thousands of lives have been changed for the better. Roland Williams

  • I have had the good pleasure of working with Yuji-san for several years. His commitment to doing good, for caring, for healing, and for personal growth is extraordinary. He has scoured the world to find the people best equipped to provide the kinds of skills that will make the world a better place and to raise the consciousness of every person in his charge whether employees or patients. I have been honored to teach for the Oneness and the Givenness groups on three occasions. Each time they were more open and gracious than the time before. It is obvious, from the quality of people that he sponsors, that Yuji-San is fully committed to changing the world for the better. Richard Gray, Developer of Brooklyn Program

  • The concept and deeper meaning of the Hero's Journey as taught by Joseph Cambell has been some of the most important learnings of my life. I highly recommend attending the Hero's Journey Conference Japan and no matter what your path may be I'm confident you will gain some wisdom that will help guide you on it. Kyle Maynard

  • DH has had the extreme pleasure in working with Yuji and his team at Giveness. it was already exciting to know what Giveness’ purpose and mission were all about, it was another experience to actually work together and see the potential of what positive, sustainable change can mean. the attendees of our workshops had such a sincere openness to learn and adopt new ways of reframing work in a more positive way, and Yuji was a leading example of what it takes to get there. in the many years that we’ve been in this space, it’s clear when a leader wants to embrace change in the work place with authenticity, sincerity and a deep-hearted commitment to help others change for the better — Yuji had all of those qualities and continues to expand them. after the work we did, the team and I were beyond excited as to what the possibilities will be for the future of positive work culture in japan. culture change takes true commitment and — because of our partnership with Yuji and the wonderful relationships he’s nurtured over the years — I feel like we’re embarking on the next chapter of scaling our impact in japan together! Jenn Lim, CEO/CHO Jenn Lim

  • Only progressive and daring people are interested in my work: Yuji is bringing new things of value to Japan. He is a man with a vision and a good mood. Since I cannot speak Japanese, I am depending on his non-verbal communication: which he does in a nice encouraging way. I am sure that he directly and indirectly made the lives of many Japanese people more fruitfull and happy. He is a living example of taking your fait in your own hands. Lucas Derks

  • Yugi-san is a man committed to the healing and awakening of people who have struggled with addiction. Through his person and though Givenness International, the organization he founded, he embodies and shares a vision of change and positive growth that serves a community of people in need. As an invited teacher co-facilitating a training for the Givenness organization with my friend and colleague, Robert Dilts, I witnessed his leadership of the community each day. His presence, strength, and openness clearly inspire his staff and the counselors he is training. He is a model of what a person with determination and good heart can accomplish that truly makes a difference in our world. Richard Moss, MD.

  • Yuji-san is truly a man with a mission and a vision. He is a wonderful example of something that this world needs now more than ever: a conscious leader. I had the opportunity to work with Yuji's addiction recovery center counselors with my dear friend and colleague Richard Moss. During this work, I could witness firsthand the positive impact of Yuji-san's leadership. I was impressed and touched by the speed and depth with which his staff members were able to integrate the principles and practices we presented as well as to support each other to grow into the best version of themselves. This was a direct result of Yuji-san's example and encouragement. I feel honored, excited and proud to support Yuji in the positive difference he is making for the people of Japan and the world. Robert Dilts

  • Working with Yuji, and participating in The Heroes Journey conference Tokyo, was an absolute pleasure. He and his organization went above and beyond to produce an amazing and inspiring event. Yuji set the tone as he was so energetic, enthusiastic and positive that one couldn’t help but feel the same way! The people in his organization were professional and hard working but went out of their way to make everyone feel welcome. It was a real privilege to be a part of the conference and I cannot wait to see what Yuji has in store for us. I’ve no doubt that will be equally as inspired. Patrick Takaya Solomon