In Naha City and Kin Town, Okinawa Prefecture, Chisei Gakuen School Corporation (Chairman: Satoshi Gima), which operates Ryukyu Rehabilitation Academy and projects to create safe spaces for children, is partnering with Giveness International (CEO: Yuji Yazawa) to hold "Communication & Art Week," bridging hopes from the turbulent 2020 into 2021.
The project spans three phases, aiming for peace and the happiness of children, as they work together to complete "one artwork."
Event Overview and Participating Artists
Phase 1 Theme: "Food and Communication"
Discover the charm of Japanese cuisine and feel the warmth of human connection through rice balls.
Date: December 7, 2020
Participating Artist: Kana Sugamoto (Traveling Omusubi Vendor)
Phase 2 Theme: "Color and Art"
Within the Ryureha campus, a large wall art piece will be painted through live collaboration with children.
Date: December 14-17, 2020
Participating Artist: Hana (Artist/Actress)
Phase 3 Theme: "Light and Art"
Creating bamboo and light artworks with children to bring peace and happiness to everyone's hearts.
Public Display Date: Scheduled for general exhibition from late January 2021
Participating Artist: Chikakatsu Ikeda (Bamboo Light Artist)
▼Overview of Ryukyu Rehabilitation Academy
・School Corporation Chisei Gakuen, Ryukyu Rehabilitation Academy
・Chairman: Satoshi Gima
・Kin Campus: 4348-2 Kin, Kin Town, Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture